Marketing a Local Business

by | Feb 19, 2019 | Uncategorized

Do you have a bricks and mortar shop, or are you a local Tradesman? If so, then there’s lots of things you can do to be marketing a local business.

The best place to start is with a Google listing, for your listing to then appear in Google or Maps searches. This has replaced Google places, it’s free and a step not to miss, when marketing a local business. Here is the link for ‘Google My Business’

Having a website for marketing a local business

Having a website is a massive plus when you are marketing a local business as it’s literally your shop window. It’s a great way  to gain awareness as well as valuable information for your customers. You can also answer most your customers ‘frequently asked questions’ in one go, saving you time in a phone call. Lots of great images on an eye-catching site can

All your contact details will be to hand and a taster of what you offer. Although a website costs money to set up, it doesn’t have to be expensive. Going forward, you will then have a constant presence online to attract and refer customers to. A valuable resource with only a minimal cost to host it online each month.

Some things to keep in mind …

When you have a website, ensure it’s mobile friendly. This means that when it is seen on a mobile device, the website is optimized to be seen correctly. Google wants to make the user experience a great one, so if your site isn’t mobile friendly, it makes it hard to read. Google will penalize you for this. Take advantage of every page of your website when marketing a local business. Make sure that your ‘about us’ page answers what you can do for your customer. This is what they are looking for (they want to see trust and to know that you offer the service they want).  Also ensure that your ‘contact us’ page details are clear too, leaving them in no doubt how to get in touch.

Blogging is a great way to drive traffic to your site. Your blog posts should be informative, giving answers to your customers questions and problems. Use keyword phrases that are being searched, within your posts such as ‘Plumber in Brighton’. To get the mosts from your posts, use the plug-in Yoast

blogging – Yoast – keywords plumbers in Brighton

YouTube Chanel for ‘how to or questions answered’ videos – branding all through – CTA – Keywords

SM to cultivate an audience – post great content at least once daily – videos – blogs – quotes – testimonials – only using amazing images. Can then retarget most popular posts.

Local events, shows to network

Not to be underestimated. Give talks at your local Chamber of Commerce or places of the link. Make sure you always have a pocket full of business cards whenever you go to any such events.

Testamonials – collect whenever possible and use on your website/SM

Collect email addresses – lists and nurture each one giving value

Join local groups on Facebook applicable for your area. People are asking questions/recomendations about services all the time

Share your business FB page in local groups (only if allowed and do not spam)

Nothing gets more ‘word of mouth recommendations’ for your business than fantastic customer service. Make this your number 1 priority.

Look after your current customers.

Go out of your way to make a pleasant experience as its far cheaper to maintain a current customer than to secure a new one

Use other local companies that compliment yours to collaborate with. Maybe on their sm pages with FB lives, competitions, videos etc. showing yourself to their viewers and audience. Make sure that you use consistent branding on whatever you are putting out there to gain awareness. It’s amazing how you soon become recognisable, especially on work clothing or vehicle branding.

Hold or attend an event and do something attention grabbing that’s worthy of local newspaper or radio station attention. Pitch your ‘story’ to  the local media although it hasn’t to be an infomercial about yourself, which you could do but would probably have to pay for. Think of more creative ways to get attention, maybe at a charity event or race dressed up or donating your services.

Write a column for a local magazine/paper on plumbing jobs in the home, basic mechanics for the car owner etc giving helpful information and your bio at the end.

Start a Podcast – Show your passion and expertise with your own radio show. This is a great way to get traffic back to your website and transcribe for blogs. Talk all about the topic of your business and mention your location too. Share your podcast locally in groups on social media, local events and wherever whenever. You will probably become a local celebrity!

Video, Video Video – There’s no better way to connect with your audience than with video. People can see your face and hear your voice, it’s the quickest way to gain ‘know, like and trust’.

Join the waitlist HERE for my monthly video membership Video Visibility Lab and we’ll notify you when the doors open next.

You can also grab my FREE Video Confidence 7 Day Booster Journal HERE to help you get past any confidence blocks as well as giving tips & hacks to be more confident on video plus your clarity steps. It’s 38 pages of goodness …


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